On 17th of May Priest will occupy @centralbryggerietfor the release of the upcoming album Dark Pulse
[out May 31]!
On 17th of May Priest will occupy @centralbryggerietfor the release of the upcoming album Dark Pulse
[out May 31]!
Prelistening, early access to buy the record and a Priest beer will be available
Tickets and more info >>here<<
A lower earlybird price can be attained until tom 30/4 (TODAY)
And if you don’t have Swish to pay with, we guarantee that you can buy your ticket at the door. Just attend the FB event! VIP tickets will be available May 3rd - more info soon!
Discover the beautiful city of Linköping and join the music event of the year - at the same time.
See you there!
On March 22 we drop our next single 'Just a Game' - presave now!